Pendapatan (laba) koperasi dinamakan sisa hasil usaha (SHU). SHU adalah pendapatan koperasi selama satu tahun pembukuan dikurangi biaya-biaya,penyusutan,pajak,dan pengeluaran-pengeluaran lain.
SHU digunakan untuk:
2. Anggota sesuai dengan jasa usahanya kepada koperasi, misalnya sebanyak 50%.
3. Dana pendidikan perkoperasian ,misalnya sebanyak 15%.
4. Keperluan lain sesuai dengan keputusan rapat anggota,misalnya 15%.
Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian Bab 6 Pasal 23 dan Bab 9, Pasal 45 menyebutkan bahwa rapat anggota menetapkanpembagian SHU.
Contoh Laporan Koperasi :
1. Nama koperasi : KSPKP (Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Keluarga Pendidikan)
2. Tempat kedudukan : Jalan Bauki Rahmad No. 218 Tuban, Kabupaten Tuban,Provinsi &nb sp; Jawa Timur
3. Bentuk &nb sp; : koperasi primer
4. Jenis : koperasi simpan pinjam
5. Anggota &nb sp; : para guru
6. Lapangan usaha : simpan pinjam
7. Perkembangan :
a. KSPKP berdiri pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1953 dengan jumlah anggota 50 orang
b. Pada usia 50 tahun, tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1983,KSPKP telah berhasil membangun kantor di
Jalan Basuki Rahmad No.218, Tuban. Jumlah anggotanya telah berkembang menjadi 285 orang.
c. Pada tanggal 17 Juli 1993 KSPKP telah selesai membangun gedung pertemuan serba guna seluas 800
meter persegi di atas tanah seluas 3.300 meter persegi, dengan biaya Rp235.000.000,00
d. Jumlah anggota pada akhir tahun 1994 meningkat menjadi 1.441 orang. Jumlah modal 3,5 miliar rupiah.
8. Manfaat :
a. KSPKP menjadi contoh koperasi lain di Kabupaten Tuban dan Provinsi Jawa timur.
b. KSPKP dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan guru-guru di Kabupaten Tuban.
9. Hal-hal lain.
Pada tahun 1994 KSPKP berhasil meraih juara II tingkat nasional untuk koperasi jenis simpan pinjam.
Income (profit) cooperative called the rest of the results of operations (SHU). SHU is the income of the cooperative for one year reduced accounting costs, depreciation, taxes and other expenses.
SHU is used to:
1. Reserve fund (additional capital), for example by 20%.
2. Members in accordance with its business services to cooperatives, for example by 50%.
3. Cooperative education fund, for example as much as 15%.
4. Other purposes in accordance with the decision of the members, for example 15%.
Act. 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives Chapter 6, Article 23 and Chapter 9, Article 45 states that a meeting of members menetapkanpembagian SHU.
Sample Cooperative Report
1. Name cooperatives: KSPKP (Family Saving and Credit Cooperative Education)
2. Locus: Jalan Rahmat Bauki No. 218 Tuban, Tuban, Provincial & nb sp; East Java
3. Forms & nb sp;: primary cooperatives
4. Type: credit unions
5. Members & nb sp;: teachers
6. Field of business: savings and loans
7. Development :
Income (profit) cooperative called the rest of the results of operations (SHU). SHU is the income of the cooperative for one year reduced accounting costs, depreciation, taxes and other expenses.
SHU is used to:
1. Reserve fund (additional capital), for example by 20%.
2. Members in accordance with its business services to cooperatives, for example by 50%.
3. Cooperative education fund, for example as much as 15%.
4. Other purposes in accordance with the decision of the members, for example 15%.
Act. 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives Chapter 6, Article 23 and Chapter 9, Article 45 states that a meeting of members menetapkanpembagian SHU.
Sample Cooperative Report
1. Name cooperatives: KSPKP (Family Saving and Credit Cooperative Education)
2. Locus: Jalan Rahmat Bauki No. 218 Tuban, Tuban, Provincial & nb sp; East Java
3. Forms & nb sp;: primary cooperatives
4. Type: credit unions
5. Members & nb sp;: teachers
6. Field of business: savings and loans
7. Development :
a. KSPKP established on August 17, 1953 with the number of members of the 50 people
b. At the age of 50 years, precisely on 17 August 1983, KSPKP has successfully established an office in
b. At the age of 50 years, precisely on 17 August 1983, KSPKP has successfully established an office in
Jalan Basuki Rahmat No.218, Tuban. The number of members has grown to 285 people.
c. On July 17, 1993 KSPKP has finished building multi-purpose conference hall covering an area of 800square meters above ground area of 3300 square meters, with costs Rp235.000.000, 00
d. Number of members at the end of 1994 increased to 1441 people. Total capital 3.5 billion dollars.
8. Benefits :
a. KSPKP be an example of other cooperatives in the district of Tuban and east Java province.
b. KSPKP can improve the welfare of teachers in the district of Tuban.
9. Other matters
In 1994 KSPKP II won the national championship for the cooperative type of savings and loan.
b. KSPKP can improve the welfare of teachers in the district of Tuban.
9. Other matters
In 1994 KSPKP II won the national championship for the cooperative type of savings and loan.
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